Transitioning a loved one into long-term care can be challenging and anxiety-inducing. At Darpel Elder Law, we offer guidance and support to help you navigate this process smoothly. Discover practical steps to ease the transition and ensure your loved one’s comfort and well-being.
Chad's Blog
Words and phrases such as estates, nursing homes, mental incapacity, long-term care costs, trusts, and probate administrations do not exactly inspire feelings of wonder and excitement in most folks. Planning for these potential events can often seem a little scary and confusing.
At Darpel Elder Law, we hope to guide, teach, and see you through these legal mazes. To learn more about particular legal topics, please explore our blog.
Medicare vs. Long-Term Care Medicaid: What’s the Difference?
Understand the key differences between Medicare and Long-Term Care Medicaid and how each can impact your healthcare planning.
What’s Aging in Place?
Discover what it means to age in place and how it can benefit you or your loved ones.